In this post I've shown figures from Portlets in Action book that depict action, render and resource request lifecycle phases.
Action and render request lifecycle phases
Figure 2.6 A portlet’s request-processing phases apply to incoming requests based on the request type (action or render). The portlet’s render method is always called to ensure that the updated portlet content is displayed by the web portal.
Resource request lifecycle phase (for handling AJAX use cases)
Figure 12.1 Ajax request handling. JavaScript in the portal page sends an
asynchronous request to a servlet or portlet component, which processes the
request and returns an HTML, XML, text, or JSON response to the browser.
JavaScript in the portal page makes use of the response data to update a part
of the portlet’s content.
Action and render request lifecycle phases
Figure 2.6 A portlet’s request-processing phases apply to incoming requests based on the request type (action or render). The portlet’s render method is always called to ensure that the updated portlet content is displayed by the web portal.
asynchronous request to a servlet or portlet component, which processes the
request and returns an HTML, XML, text, or JSON response to the browser.
JavaScript in the portal page makes use of the response data to update a part
of the portlet’s content.