Thursday, January 6, 2011

JSF 2.0 portlet bridge example updated

The JSF 2.0 Portlet bridge example in chapter 14 of Portlets in Action book is now updated to use 2.0.0-Beta3 release of portletfaces bridge. The updated example can be download from google code project for Portlets in Action book: 


  1. Ashish - Can you ping me about your coverage on portlet bridge? wesleyhales at gmail dot com

    btw, I have recommended your book in this refcard:

  2. Hello Ashish, I would like to ask you to post some article about JSF2 portlet + spring webflow?
    its possible to maximize JSF portlet? I used portletfaces bridge and there is API to make this but not working!?

    BTW I made springMVC portlet reling on your example but I had some weird problem it wasn't accept the @RequestMapping("VIEW") on class level?? I put it in method level and working fine

    Wesley when you plan to release the final release from your bridge ?
